1 D&D Core Rulebooks w/ offical errata
- Harm reduces monster to 10% max HP rather than 1d4.
- The presence of vorpal and coup de grace weapons is highly restricted.
- The item Absorbing Shield is banned.
- Additional properties added to any magic items are always treated as slotless for purposes of cost.
- A "20" does not automatically pass a saving throw, and a "1" does not automaticaly fail.
- When attacking, a "20" is treated as a "30" and a "1" is treated as a "-10". Some DMs may choose to not use this rule when they run games.
2 Material from the following D&D accesories allowed upon DM approval:
  Sword and Fist (we're still reviewing errata)
  Defenders of the Faith (armor of speed is banned)
  Monsters of Faerūn
3 The following prestige classes that were featured in Dragon magazine:
  Mystic(274), Hunter of the Dead(276), Rage Mage(277), Gnomish Trickster(A5), Highknight(A5), Herald(A5), Ancestral Avenger(279), Eldritch Master(280), Psi-Hunter(281), Dragonkith(284), Lightbearer(285).
4 Forgotten Realms Rules
  Only Following Allowed:
All feats except Inscribe Rune, Spellcasting Prodigy, and any feat with a 'Regions' requirement.
All prestige classes except Runecaster.
The spells are allowed with DM approval.
Portal creation feats and related spells may not be taken...yet.
5 Sword & Sorcery
Relics and Rituals
  Contents used on an individual basis by DM approval.
Creatures Collection v.1
  Monsters used on an individual basis by DM approval.
PC Stat Generation
  Character stats are generated using Table 2-1 in the DMG, with players having 28 points to spend.
HP at level up rules
  Each time a character levels up, the player should choose which of the following two methods to use to determine HP gained.- Method 1: Standard Method
- Method 2: Rather than roll the hit die, the player may take ½ the die +1.
Variant: Monsters as Races
  Players may play aasimar and tieflings as found in the DMG (gainind a HD as outsiders) or use our custom templates.
Deities & Domain Selection
  Twin Worlds uses 31 Original Deities. Clerics of a deity must choose at least one underlined domain when selecting domains on the Deity Descriptions page.
Unique Domains
  In addition to using the domains found in the PHB, Twin Worlds has 4 unique domains in use.
Character Alignment vs Deity Alignment
  Locate the character's alignment on the above table. That character may only worship any deity of the same alignment or of adjacent alignment (including diagonals). An exception is a Monk of Diostarma, a LG character that worships a CG deity.
Holy Days
  Twin Worlds uses 'holy days', specific days of the year when deity-based worldwide effects are active.
Unique Items, Etc.
  Twin Worlds has lists of approved additional Items, Creatures, Prestige Classes, and Spells.
DM/Absentee XP
  The active DM's character and absent PCs do not recive standard XP during a session. Instead the recieve 25% of the XP needed to reach the next level, which is 250*current level.
DM/Absentee XP
| XP
| 250
| 500
| 750
| 1000
| 1250
| 1500
| 1750
| 2000
| 2250
| 2500
| 2750
| 3000
| 3250
| 3500
| 3750
| 4000
| 4250
| 4500
| 4750
Dungeon Masters
  Dr. GOD, Epametheus, Akito, and NeoBolts are the story-arc responsible DMs in the campaign.