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Main Original Spells Converted Spells Sadie Spells |
Chains of Righteousness | |||
Level: | Shrine Maiden 4 | ||
As per Evard's Black Tentacles, except with different components, appearance and damage. The appearance is silver chains glowing with holy light (rather than "waiving members"). The damage is 1d4 (rather than 1d6) and increases to 1d8 versus undead. Components: V, S, DF |
Chaos Save | |||
Level: | Focus of Disarray 1 | School: | Universal |
Range: | Touch | Area of Effect: | Creature Touched |
Casting time: | 1 round | Duration: | 2 hours/level |
Saving throw: | None | Spell Resistance: | Yes(harmless) |
The target may choose to discharge the spell as a free action in order to roll [1d20 + 1d6 + caster level(max 5)] in place of a required saving throw roll. This free action can only be taken after a saving throw is required and before the roll has been made. A creature may only have one Chaos Save active on them at a time. Components: V, S |
Clean's Bane | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 1, Brd 1 | School: | Alteration |
Range: | Touch | Area of Effect: | Target creature or object (size yet undecided) |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving throw: | Will negates (harmless) | Spell Resistance: | Yes (harmless) |
It creates any sort of relatively harmless filth (one cannot
create something along the lines of acid or green slime with it; or use it to impair any senses), smears cosmetics,
gives one skank-nappy stale breath, and leaves one feeling dirty. Those who for some reason
or another don't want to be dirty (or simply resent having skank-nappy stale breath) can make a
Will save to prevent the spell from working. The spell is fairly unpopular with most people, although there is an old saying about centaurs have it as an innate ability. Components: V, S, F Focus: A clump of dirt |
Extend Lifestream | |||
Level: | Clc 2(Sospitas only) | School: | Enchantment |
Range: | Touch | Area of Effect: | One Creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 24 hours |
Saving throw: | Will negates(harmless) | Spell Resistance: | Yes(harmless) |
The recipient of this spell has an uncanny grasp in the world of the living. The unconscious status for the subject is extended to -1 to -19 hit points. If the subject's hit points fall to -20 or below, they're dead. (See PHB p.171 for more info.) The target does not have to be unconscious to be the target of the spell. A character must have at least 4 levels as a Hand of Sospitas to have access to this spell. Components: V, S |
Holy Condemnation | |||
Level: | Shrine Maiden 6 | Saving Throw: | Will (negates) |
As per Condemned(located in Relics & Rituals), except with a different material component and save type. Components: V, S, M Material Component: A verse of damnation of evil written by a cleric of the Shrine Maiden's faith. |
Paincurse | |||
Level: | Bard 2, Blackguard 2, Clc 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 | School: | Transmutation |
Range: | Touch | Area of Effect: | One Creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 1 round/level (D) |
Saving throw: | Will(negates) | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
This debilitating spell is the bane of low-level spellcasters. Whenever the target of this spell casts a spell, they take damage equal to the level of the spell they just cast. This damage does force concentration checks. A Remove Curse spell ends the effect immediately. A character must have at least 2 levels as a Wretched to have access to this spell. Components: V, S, M Material Component: a needle dipped in blood |
Prolong Weather | |||
Level: | Weather 4 | Duration: | 10 min/level (D) |
As per Control Weather, except that rather than create weather conditions, it simply maintains the current weather conditions at the time the spell was cast. |
Pure Sight | |||
Level: | Shrine Maiden 8 | ||
As per True Seeing, except with different components and a conferred range of only 40 feet. Components: V, S, DF |
Ray of Vulnerability | |||
Level: | Bard 4, Clc 4, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4 | School: | Necromancy |
Range: | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) | Area of Effect/Effect: | One Creature/Ray |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 1 min/lvl |
Saving throw: | No | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
A mulitcolored ray spring forth from your hand. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject suffers a -2d4 profane penalty to their saving throws. This spell with not reduce a savings throw below +0. A character must have at least 4 levels as a Wretched to have access to this spell. Components: V, S |
Stabilize Wounds | |||
Level: | Clc 2(Sospitas only) | School: | Conjuration (Healing) |
Range: | 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels | Area of Effect: | One Creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving throw: | None | Spell Resistance: | Yes(harmless) |
The target is stabilized and their hit points are restored to -1. The target of the spell must be unconscious and have less than 0 hit points. Undead cannot be the target of Stabilize Wounds. A character must have at least 2 levels as a Hand of Sospitas to have access to this spell. Components: V, S |
Dig (A conversion of the 2e spell.) | |||
Level: | Drd 5, Wiz/Sor 6 | School: | Evocation |
Range: | 90 ft. | Area of Effect: | 5-ft. cube/lvl |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 1 round/lvl |
Saving throw: | Special | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
A dig spell enables the caster to excavate 125 cubic feet of earth, sand, or mud per round (i.e., a cubic hole 5 feet on a side). In later rounds the caster can expand an existing hole or start a new one. The material thrown from the excavation scatters evenly around the pit. If the wizard continues downward past 20 feet in earth, there is a 15% chance that the pit collapses. This check is made for every 5 feet dug beyond 20 feet. Sand tends to collapse after 10 feet, mud fills in and collapses after 5 feet, and quicksand fills in as rapidly as it is dug. Any creature at the edge (within 1 foot) of a pit must roll a successful Dexterity check or fall into the hole. Creatures moving rapidly toward a pit dug immediately before them must pass a Reflex Save to avoid falling in. Any creature in a pit being excavated can climb out at a rate decided by the DM. A creature caught in a collapsing pit must roll a Fortitude Save to avoid being buried; it escapes the pit if successful. Tunneling is possible with this spell as long as there is space available for the material removed. Chances for collapse are doubled and the safe tunneling distance is half of the safe excavation depth, unless such construction is most carefully braced and supported. The spell is also effective against creatures of earth and rock, particularly clay golems and those from the Elemental Plane of Earth. When cast upon such a creature, it suffers 4d6 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. Fortitude reduces this damage to half. Components: V, S, M Material Components: Miniature shovel and tiny bucket |
Filth's Bane (A conversion of the 2e spell.) | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 1, Brd 1, Clr 1(Ai-sama, Aurora only) | School: | Alteration |
Range: | Touch | Area of Effect: | Target creature or object (size yet undecided) |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving throw: | Will negates (harmless) | Spell Resistance: | Yes (harmless) |
It gets rid of any sort of relatively harmless filth (one cannot
remove something along the lines of acid or green slime with it), removes cosmetics,
gives one minty fresh breath, and leaves one feeling refreshed. Those who for some reason
or another don't want to be cleaned (or simply resent having minty fresh breath) can make a
Will save to prevent the spell from working. The spell is fairly popular among nobility,
neat freaks, and those who are simply too lazy to actually bathe. Ai-sama and Aurora grant
this spell to their clerics. Components: V, S, F/DF Focus: A bar of soap |
The Sadie Spell Series (Conversions of the 2e Nybor Spells) |
Just how a series of spells originally designed by a red wizard from the Forgetten Realms reached Parasonnea is unknown, but arcane and divine spell casters alike substitute Sadie's name for the name of the original designer. Clerics of Sadie can be granted these spells as divine magic. |
Sadie's Gentle Reminder (Conversion of Nybor's Gentle Reminder) | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 1, Clr 1 (Sadie worshippers only) | School: | Enchantment [Evil, Compulsion] |
Range: | Short (30 ft + 5ft/2 levels) | Area of Effect: | Target creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 1 round |
Saving throw: | Will negates | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
This spell causes the target to be stunned for one round by pain if the creature
targeted fails the saving throw. In addition to the normal penalties for being stunned,
the target has a -2 circumstance penalty to all saving throws made during the duration.
Components: V, S |
Sadie's Mild Admonishment (Conversion of Nybor's Mild Admonishment) | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 3, Clr 3 (Sadie worshippers only) | School: | Enchantment [Evil, Compulsion] |
Range: | Short (30 ft + 5ft/2 levels) | Area of Effect: | Target creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 1d4 rounds |
Saving throw: | Will negates | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
This spell causes the target to be stunned and prone for 1d4 rounds due to pain if the
creature targeted fails the saving throw. In addition to the normal penalties for being
stunned and prone, the target has a -3 circumstance penalty to all saving throws made during the
duration. Components: V, S |
Sadie's Stern Reproof (Conversion of Nybor's Stern Reproof) | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 7, Clr 7 (Sadie worshippers only) | School: | Enchantment [Evil, Compulsion] |
Range: | Short (30 ft + 5ft/2 levels) | Area of Effect: | Target creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 2d6 minutes + 1 minute/level |
Saving throw: | Will negates (special) | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
First of all, a creature that fails the save against this spell must make a fortitude
save or die from the intense agony inflicted by it. If the creature passes the fortitude
save, the target is merely stunned and prone due to pain for 2d6 minutes, plus an additional
number of minutes less than or equal level of the caster, at the caster's disctretion. In
addition to the normal penalties for being stunned and prone, the target has a -6 circumstance penalty to
all saving throws made during the duration, though this doesn't apply to the initial fortitude
save. Components: V, S |
Sadie's Wrathful Castigation (Conversion of Nybor's Wrathful Castigation) | |||
Level: | Wiz/Sor 8, Clr 8 (Sadie worshippers only) | School: | Enchantment [Evil, Compulsion] |
Range: | Short (30 ft + 5ft/2 levels) | Area of Effect: | Target creature |
Casting time: | 1 action | Duration: | 3d6 minutes + 1 minute/level |
Saving throw: | Will negates | Spell Resistance: | Yes |
This spell is much like Nybor's Stern Reproof, with another 1d6 added to the duration.
However, the fortitude save to avoid dying must be made once for every minute that the
spell is active. Those who are still alive at any point of the duration are stunned,
prone, and suffer a -6 circumstance penalty to all saves (this penalty doesn't apply to the
repeated fortitude saves forced by the spell itself). As to anyone's knowledge, there is
no one currently in the Cult of Sadie that has sufficient skill to use this spell. Components: V, S |
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