Name: Gavin of Ryhan | XP: 37609 | Lvl up @: 45000 |
Level: 9 (Beastmaster 1, Rgr 8) | Sex: Male | Hair: Black w/ white bangs |
Race: Human | Age: 18 | Eyes: Silver |
Wings: No | Height: 6' 6½" | Deity: Rael, Goddess of the Harvest |
Alignment: N | Weight: 200 lbs. | Funds: 5525.07GP |
HP 93 STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) CON 18 (+4) includes Amulet of Health +2 INT 10 (+0) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 14 (+2) |
Base Attack Bonus: +9/+4 | AC: 18=[base:]10[Armor]+6[ring]+2 | Init: +0 |
Saving Throws: Fortitude: +13=[base:]+8[Con]+4[Cloak of Resistance]+1 Reflex: +3=[base:]+2[Dex]+0[Cloak of Resistance]+1 Will: +5=[base:]+2[Wis]+2[Cloak of Resistance]+1 Racial/Class Abilites: +1 skill point each level Favored Enemy: (secret) +2 Favored Enemy: Undead +1 Feats: Track Exotic Weapon Prof: Bladed Gauntlet Weapon Focus: Guisarme Power Attack Leadership Skill Focus: Animal Empathy | ![]() |
Languages: Common | |
Spell DC: 12 + spell level | |
Spells/Day: 1st: 2 | 2nd: 1 |
Skills: | Total | Rank | Stat Bonus |
Wilderness Lore | +13 | +11 | +2 WIS |
Concentration | +4 | +0 | +4 CON |
Animal Empathy | +14** | +10 | +2 CHA |
Handle Animal | +14* | +10 | +2 CHA |
Ride | +9* | +7 | +0 DEX |
Swim | +6 | +4 | +2 STR |
Spot | +10 | +8 | +2 WIS |
Listen | +10 | +8 | +2 WIS |
Jump | +12*** | +0 | +2 STR |
Weapons: | Damage | Attack Bonus | Critical/Crit. Dmg. | Other |
Guisarme+1 | 2d4+4= [base:]2d4 [magical]+1 [STR +2x1.5]+3 | +13/+7= [base:]+9/+4 [magical]+1 [Str]+2 [W. Focus]+1 | x3 | |
Mighty Composite Longbow+2 | 1d8+2= [base:]1d8 [STR bonus]+2 | +9/+4= [base:]+9/+4 [Dex]+0 | x3 | Range: 110 ft |
Right Hand Retractable Bladed Gauntlet +1 | 1d6+3= [base:]1d6 [Str]+2 [magical]+1 | +10/+5= [base:]+9/+4 [Str]+2 [magical]+1 [Small Two-Weapon Penalty, modified^] -2(-6+2+2) | 17-20/x2 | |
Left Hand Retractable Bladed Gauntlet, masterwork | 1d6+1 [base:]1d6 [Str +2x½]+1 | +10/+5= [base:]+9/+4 [Str]+2 [masterwork]+1 [Small Two-Weapon Penalty, modified^] -2(-10+2+4+2) | 17-20/x2 |
Armor: Chain Shirt +2 (Armor Bonus +4) = +6 to AC |
Animal Companions: Max 8HD Hedgehog Trained: Stay Ferret Trained: Fetch Dire Fox |
Cohort: Damon Shinypaper |
Equipment of note: Warhorse, Light HP: 22 , Name: Brittain , Trained: Come Weapons Permit (Nature's Gate) Scrolls: Speak w/ Animals x4 Cloak of Resistance +1 Amulet of Health +2 Kelder Feedbag Boots of Springing & Striding (Movement: 60ft) Ring of Friend Shield (Taxil) Ring of Protection +2 |