![]() Session Data Session 1 - Drellin's Ferry [03.11.06] The party sets out in search of a treasure said to be in Vrath Keep. They take out a force of hobgoblins ambushing travellers. Once arriving in the town of Drellin's Ferry, they are asked by the Town Speaker to investigate the goblinoid activities further. Loriel rekindles an old romance with Sorrana Anitah. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Sorrana Anitah, Captain of the Town Guard; Town Speaker Norro Wiston Setting: Illianvox, Gellian; Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 1st-2nd of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 1-2) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 1250 (Total 11250) Additional Info: n/a Session 2 - Hobgoblin Outpost [03.18.06] Loriel dispenses advice to townpeople in Drellin's Ferry before the party sets out. The party proves their skill to Jorr the ranger by raiding a nearby hobgoblin outpost. Brienne warns some rescued elven smugglers to steer clear of Drellin's Ferry. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Jorr Setting: Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian; The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 2nd of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 2) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 1138 (Total 12388) Additional Info: This sesson used the Hobgoblin Outpost Monster Manual Web Enhancement. Session 3 - Vrath Keep [03.24.06] The party tangles with an unbelievably tough hydra (that suddenly reverted to 3e rules). Upon arriving at Vrath Keep, the party defeats Wyrmlord Koth and his minions and discovers a map detailing the Red Hand's invasion plans. The party decides they will set out for Skull Gorge Bridge to try to slow the Red Hand's advance, while sending Jorr back to Drellin's Ferry to warn of the invasion. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Jorr, Wyrmlord Koth Setting: Blackwater Causeway, The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian; Vrath Keep, The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 2nd-3rd of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 2-3) Quote of the Week: (Anything from the religious banter between Koth and Loriel.) XP: 3375 (Total 15763) Additional Info: xxxx Session 4 - Old Warklegnaw [03.31.06] The party travels north through the Witchwood, enlisting the help of a giant named Old Warklegnaw. They then scout and plan for an assault on Skull Gorge Bridge. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Old Warklegnaw Setting: The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 3rd-4th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 3-4) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 675 (Total 16438) Additional Info:n/a Session 5 - Skull Gorge Bridge [04.08.06] In a close battle, the party slays the dragon Ozyrandion and destroys Skull Gorge Bridge before turning south to Drellen's Ferry to report in. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: n/a Setting: Skull Gorge Bridge, The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 4th-5th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 4-5) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 2850 (Total 19288) Additional Info: n/a Session 6 - A Decision to Evacuate [05.06.06] The party arrives back in Drellen's Ferry where Loriel "shares his ministry". One of the women, Lorilae, turns out to be married. Kellin attempts to blackmail her, using Brienne as a messenger, but Lorilae takes the blackmail note to Loriel. Her husband, Rasputin, is a violent man (and also a evil necromancer). Kellin baits Raputin into attacking the party. Rasputin is killed by Nightshade in Norro Wiston's home right after the council votes to evacuate the town. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Sorrana Anitah, Captain of the Town Guard; Town Speaker Norro Wiston; Kellin, halfling innkeeper; Lorilae Proudstone Necrobane, big-breasted widow; Rasputin Necrobane, evil necromancer Setting: Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 6th-7th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 6-7) Quote of the Week #1: "You just said you were going to kill a Necrobane...and that's her last name." - DM, on why Lorilae began screaming Quote of the Week #2: "I've been blessed by Ai-sama."- one of Loriel's frequent references to his manhood; in this particular case while standing nude in front of Lorilae, Nightshade, Brienne, Kellin, and a crowd of halflings Quote of the Week #3: Seven times in the last 24 hours? You might want to put some ice on that." - DM "Nah. Cure Light Wounds!" - Shandroa XP: 1225 (Total 20513) Additional Info: (Lorilae x4, Sorrana x2, Delora x1, show-n-tell with 6 halflings) Special Session - Justice in Samson's Mill [05.10.06] Two of the party members head north to eliminate some hobgoblin scouts and warn the settlement of Samson's Mill of the impending seige. Once there, Loriel and Nightshade clear a young man named Marcus framed for rape by a jealous rival aspiring blacksmith named Elkie and Pitbull, her career criminal brother who actually committed the rape. Pitbull was castrated in the town square, and both were left pilloried nude for the goblins to find. DM: neobolts PCs: Loriel(Shandroa), Nightshade(Tundra) Major NPCs: Marcus, wrongly accused; Rosalie Samson, victim; Josephus Samson, Rosalie's father; Elkie, mastermind of rape plot; Pitbull, rapist; Miss Magdeline, kindly old lady; Josephine, Miss Magdeline's caretaker; Iely, feisty gnome innkeeper; Rencreeth, creepy elven cultist Setting: Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian; Samson's Mill, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 8th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 8) Quote of the Week #1: "Drop your pants." - Loriel Quote of the Week #2: "I'm stringing her up over the rafter by her feet." - Nightshade Quote of the Week #3: "I've got your hatchet right here!" - Nightshade, being helpful Quote of the Week #4: "Drop your pants." - Nighshade XP: 0 (Total unchanged) Additional Info: (Rosalie x1, Jospehine x1, Iely x1) Special Session - Cryptwater [05.12.06] Lilia and Brienne clear the undead from a forgotten (and partially flooded) dwarven crypt discovered during the evacuation of the Shrine of Valos. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor) Major NPCs: Brother Derny, Cleric of Valos Setting: Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 8th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 8) Quote of the Week: "I want my pet hippo buried with me." - Rysor XP: 0 (Total unchanged) Additional Info: n/a Session 7 - The Evacuation of Drellin's Ferry [05.20.06] Lilia, Brienne, and Sorrana spend 5 days searching for a trace of the two party members who disappeared on the road back from Samson's Mill. Sorrana sorrowfully calls off the search. A follower of the Ageless One arrives based on a vision from the Bishop of Mothergreen to help, as well as a female knight from Brindol. The new party thwarts Red Hand arosnists and then kills a chimera as they set out on the morning of the 14th to investigate Red Hand activity on the Rhest Trail to the north. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Sorrana Anitah, Captain of the Town Guard; Town Speaker Norro Wiston; Kellin, halfling innkeeper Setting: Drellin's Ferry, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 8th-14th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 8-14) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 2363 (Total 22876) Additional Info: n/a Session 8 - Road Blockade [05.27.06] The party heads north along the Rhest Trail and busts a Red Hand blockade. They discover that Wyrmlord Saarvith is controlling things in the area...a name listed on Koth's map. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne/Tannus(Rysor), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: n/a Setting: Rhest Trail, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 14th-18th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 14-18) Quote of the Week: "If I have no problem killing people who don't know I'm there, why should hesitate to kill people who surrender?" - Brienne XP: 1313 (Total 24189) Additional Info: n/a Session 9 - The Elves of Tiri Kitor [06.03.06] The party defeats a greenspawn razorfiend and meets the elves of Tiri Kitor. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Killian Arrowswift, brash elven hunter; Sellyria Starsinger, matron of the Tiri Kitor elves; Trellara "Trel" Nightshadow, elven bard Setting: Starsong Hill, The Blackfens, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 19th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 19) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 0 (Total unchanged) Additional Info: n/a Session 10 - The Ruins of Rhest [06.10.06] The party raids the stronghold of Wyrmlord Saarvith in the flooded ruins of Rhest, taking possession of the Ghostlord's phylactery. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Mindbender Nurklenak; Wyrmlord Saarvith; Black God Regiarix, juvenile black dragon; Trellara "Trel" Nightshadow, elven bard Setting: Ruins of Rhest, The Blackfens, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 20th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 20) Quote of the Week #1: "He could try to pull a Kool-Aid Man and bust through the wall." - Tannus Quote of the Week #2: "SUPERFEINT!" - Anonymous (should be yelled in disco voice) XP: 4944 (Total 29133) Additional Info: Tiri Kitor Alliance Points: 8 (1+5+0+0+2) Session 11 - The Keepers of the Flame [06.17.06] Lt. Ulverth rides ahead to Brindol, while the rest of the party attends the funeral of Trel's brother. The other party then travels to Witchcross, where a magical message from Sister Marcela awakens Tannus at night. A super-secret shrine of the Ageless One that wards the region against the Illithatch is placed in danger after one of the clerics that tend the shrine's sacred flame is kidnapped. The party defeats a group of derro accompanied by a drider and a gargoyle in order to rescue her. The derro worship Qorzaq and did the kidnapping in preparation for his holy day. At dawn on the 22nd of Cullis, a worldwide 24 hour gender change occurs or the Day of Qorzaq. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil Major NPCs: Eth Speaker Adrianna the Young; Lady Elleeth, ghostly divine spirit; Sister Marcela, Keeper of the Flame; Sister Janus, kidnapped Keeper of the Flame Setting: Witchcross, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 21st-22nd of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 21-22) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 2333 (Total 31466) Additional Info: n/a Session 12 - Wyrmlord Na'Saylith [06.24.06] The party polices (or participates) in the Day of Qorzaq. After meeting with top leaders in Brindol, the party sets out to find the Ghostlord. While passing through the evacuated town of Talar, the party comes face-to-face with Wyrmlord Koth's successor, Na'Saylith, a bugbear cleric that specializes in working with outsiders. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Lord Jarmaath, Lady Kaal, Wyrmlord Na'Saylith Setting: Brindol, Elsir Vale, Gellian; Talar, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 22th-24th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 22-24) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 3300 (Total 34766) Additional Info: n/a Session 13 - The Thornwaste [07.15.06] The party has tea with Rillor Paln, whom they meet along the road. Lady Kaal's lover is returning from the Hammerfist Holds to Brindol. Travelling in narrow canyons in the Thornwaste, an ambush/scouting group attached to Wyrmlord Ulwai Stormcaller attacks the party. It consists of three teams led by a lizardfork druid, an Ogress Chieftain, and a disguised hobgoblin cleric. The party dispatches the group of monsters with little effort and decides to made a lightning-fast raid on the Ghostlord's lair before the enemy scouts are missed. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Rillor Paln Setting: The Thornwaste, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 25th-26th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 25-26) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 1500 (Total 36266) Additional Info: n/a Session 14 - The Ghostlord [07.22.06] The party raids the Ghostlord's lair, taking down the behir Varanthian in a fierce battle. They return the Ghostlord's phylactery in exchange for him not aiding the Red Hand DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: The Ghostlord; Varanthian, half-fiend behir; Wyrmlord Ulwai Stormcaller Setting: The Ghostlord's Lair, The Thornwaste, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 26th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 26) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 0 (Total 36266) Additional Info: n/a Session 15 - Xermet the Godslayer [08.05.06] Lord Jarmaath's payment for the dwarves of Hammerfist Holds is stolen while being delivered. Lilia, Brienne, and Tannus recover the payment from Xermet the Godslayer, a bluespawn godslayer working for the Red Hand army to gather up rogue spawn of Tiamat and return then to the main force. The three heroes deliver the payment to the dwarves. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil) Major NPCs: Xermet the Godslayer Setting: south of Talar, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 27th of Cullis, FY2107 (Day 27) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 0 (Total 36266) Additional Info: n/a Session 16-18 - The Battle of Brindol [08.12.06, 8.19.06, 08.26.06] The party shuts down a wall breach attempt by hill giants while a seperate part of the wall falls, defeats a red dragon, holds a key defensive point in the city, kills the blackspawn ninja named Skather, and defeat Wyrmlord Kharn and his minions, thus saving Brindol. The party learns of a plot to open a rift to the Nine Hells. Allies Teyani Sura and Norro Wiston were killed in the battle. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Team Beta (Sorrana Anitah, Trellara "Trel" Nightshadow, Sister Marcela, Lt. Teyani Sura); Captain Lars Ulverth; Lord Jarmaath; Lady Kaal; Pvt. Rayl Ceoughenth, Lion of Brindol; Abithriax, red dragon; Skather, blackspawn ninja; Vanguard Wrymlord Kharn; Wyrmlord Saarvith; Wyrmchaplain Ormlorworyer, head chaplain of the Red Hand army Setting: Brindol, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 12th-15th of Aolinfyt, FY2107 (Day 40-43) Quote of the Week: n/a XP: 23738 (Total 60004) Additional Info: n/a Session 19 - Return to Vrath Keep [09.02.06] The party dispatches a bearded devil and and group of Blood Ghost Beserkers upon teleporting into Vrath Keep to begin their journey to the Fane of Tiamat. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: n/a Setting: Vrath Keep, The Witchwood, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 16th of Aolinfyt, FY2107 (Day 44) Quote of the Week: "That's 10 points of level drain to the bearded devil..." - Epametheus XP: 516 (Total 60520) Additional Info: n/a Session 20-21 - The Fane of Tiamat [09.09.06, 09.16.06] The party invades the stronghold of the High Wyrmlord, slaying the Aspect of Tiamat and ending the Dragon Queen's ambition in Elsir Vale. DM: neobolts PCs: Lilia(Epametheus), Brienne(Rysor), Tannus(Taxil), Lt. Ulverth(Xarren) Major NPCs: Tyrgarun, blue dragon father of the High Wyrmlord; Terilanyx the Torturer, bone devil; Luchia & Franchesa, erinyes; High Wyrmlord Azzar Kul; Aspect of Tiamat Setting: Fane of Tiamat, Elsir Vale, Gellian Twin Worlds Date: 18th of Aolinfyt, FY2107 (Day 46) Quote of the Week: "Dispel Evil!" - Tannus XP: x (Total xxxxx) Additional Info: n/a All copyrights and trademarks on this site are the property of their respective owners. |