Makani's Islands Gerfeldersnatch
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: Nifgud the Marbleshooter
Notes: The current ruler of the eternal gnomish homeland is quite insane.
Southlands Artan
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: The peaceful kingdom of Artan is an area where religion is flourishing. The terrain is made up of ancient forests and rolling grasslands. Although humans are the primary race, elves dominate the Ergas Forest.
Government: Theocracy
Capital: ?
Leader: High Cleric Honorix Greataxe
Notes: The southern kingdom of the dwarven kingdoms.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Benden City
Leader: ?
Notes: Benden is a kingdom made primarily of small farming villages. The capital Benden City, grew up due to the navigable Aersod River. Benden City is a much rougher place than the surrounding countryside and is home to the mysterious Twin Towers.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Leiden?
Leader: ?
Notes: Gellian is an expansionistic country which is home to brave knights.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Krylain
Leader: ?
Notes: The mountains of eastern Nesis attract monks, hermits, and others who wish to live apart from society. The Kryl forest is a dangerous place that is rich with magic.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: King Rathax Ogreslayer
Notes: The central kingdom of the dwarven kingdoms.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Cantryl
Leader: King Verdock
Notes: A prosperous argricutural kingdom. Named for Rael, Goddess of the Harvest. Cantryl is home to the Great Temple of Rael.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Starsign
Leader: ?
Notes: ?
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: It has only been a few years since the border war with Whisperdawn ended, and tensions along the border still run high.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: On bad terms with Beiland. Currently negotiating with Gellian for port access rights.
Government: Tribunal
Capital: ?
Leader: Tribunal of Provincial Leaders
Notes: This largely unspoiled grasslands is a popular home for druids.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: Queen Renda Wolfsbane III
Notes: The most aggressive of the dwarven rulers, she maintains a unified front with Perelix and Barseige against outside influences despite the internal squabbles of their three kingdoms.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: This coastal kingdom is home to the Mages School of Augen Klay, which attracts some of the finest pupils in the land.
Government: Federation
Capital: Tapp
Leader: Tynia Merchant Council
Notes: Tynia is a dangerous country. Dealing in import and export, Tynia controls little land, but makes up for it with its merchant fleet. Pirates, slavers, and swindlers refer to Tynia as their "home away from home".
Government: ?
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: It has only been a few years since the border war with Ryhan ended, and tensions along the border still run high.
Vina's Arm Balance
Government: Kingdom
Capital: Castle Atla
Leader: King Atla I
Notes: One of the many micro-states that resulted from the fall of Lucas Nightshade's empire. The True Neutral alignment of King Alta I is shared by many of the other founders/settlers of this tiny kingdom, displeased with the region's recent power swings (Evil Demon Lord to Good Paladin-King). Anyone is permitted to live in Balance, as long as they do not create a disturbance. Temples for Pax Deos, Aurora, Diostarma, The Ageless One, Seracia, Siom, and Lodus can be found maintaining an unintrusive prescence there. Temples for Rose & Thorn, Uminati, and Pyros Tou were forced to shut after becoming to disruptive.
The Winter Festival: Every year a great festival is held in Balance, with persons of any alignment welcome (provided they don't cause trouble). The most famous events are the jousting tournement and storytelling competition and the closing night's arcane pyrotechnics competition. The festival begins at sunrise of the Holy Day of Aurora(10/8) and ends at sundown on the Holy Day of Arcanus(10/18).
Government: Ruling Noble
Capital: Dareschond Manor
Leader: Lady Dareschond
Notes: One of the many micro-states that resulted from the fall of Lucas Nightshade's empire.
Government: ?
Capital: ?
Leader: ?
Notes: Little is known about this xenophobic country or its chaotic evil ruler.
Government: Theocracy
Capital: High Temple of Valos
Leader: ?
Notes: The Holy State of the High Temple of Valos.
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Ilien
Leader: King Benjamin Lightshroud
Notes: This kingdom was set up by the forces that overthrew Lucas Nightshade. What remains of his tower still stand in Tear today. The ruling Paladin-King was one of the legendary heros.
Government: Kingdom
Capital: Vaata
Leader: King Cetarr
Notes: The ruler of this kingdom has dispatched members of SOLDIER to the green world with orders to kidnap certain individuals. The walled capital of Mellek, Vaata, sits upon massive rock cliffs overlooking the Crescent Sea.