| Portal Location
Ashenport | lighthouse
High Temple of the Ageless One | recieving room
High Temple of Skull of Ashes | teleport facility
Newgrowth Keep | recieving room
Illianvox, Gellian | High Temple of Sospitas recieving room
Ergas Forest | elven outpost
Planar Gate: Prime Side
| Planar Gate: Planar Side
| Gate Key
Outhouse, Nature's Gate, Parasonnea | Lord Aretas' Stronghold, the Nine Hells | a slice of pie
outside of Xai'joll, Asteria | remote crossroads a day away from Vol Tiraghal, the Nine Hells | unknown
Keep on the Shadowfell, Parasonnea | the Shadowfell | blood sacrifice
Buccinator Plantation, Parasonnea | bathhouse, Fane of Tiamat, Dis, the Nine Hells | a hat that clashes with your outfit
The Old Dragonborn Bar, Skarthrex-by-the-lake, Draconic Homelands, Parasonnea | Lord Aretas' safehouse, the Fetter, Dis, the Nine Hells | a mouthful of water