Twin Worlds Restoration
Twin Worlds Restoration | |
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DM(s) | neobolts |
Guest DM(s) | Aksani, Valeria, Cerberus7 |
System | D&D 5e |
After a series of devastating wars, old nations and newly emerged powers are pushing out to claim land. A unlikely group of heroes representing different interests are thrown together after a summit of nations.
The lands of Parasonnea are home to humans, dragons, elves, dwarves, dragonborn, and many other races. Arcane magic is studied and a code of honorable combat has been followed at times.
The Twin Worlds have endured many wars. In recent memory, the Quan'thosk'alys Wars of 25 years ago brought widespread devastation in the form of corrupting ichor. Large portions of the Southlands were lost to the ichor. Most of the primary fighting on the world took place in the Southlands. After the war, the destroyed areas were replaced by vast primeval forests thanks to the Stars of Destiny.
A second war only 5 years ago, the War of the Shards, took place on the Southlands. Although not as cataclysmic, that war caused many casualties as well. The people of the Southlands are weary of war, but political tensions are high as the various nations extend out their borders.
One of the key features of the Southlands is the Great Caravan Way, also known as the Ancient Caravan Way. The Great Caravan Way starts in Cyan Gyantto in Gellian and spans the continent all the way to Gloecoast in the Dwarven Alliance. Pilgrims and traders rely on the road being open.
- Full entry at Twin Worlds Primer.
- Rheya Action, NG Half-elf F Bard Spy (Valeria)
- Hallon Galonodel, CG Wood Elf M Monk Outlander (Cerberus7)
- Myrtle Firebeard, N Mountain Dwarf F Fighter Barmaid (Shyninja)
- Kaiden Kirkwood, LG Human M Paladin Folk Hero (Aksani)
- Isocerus Chadborn, CG Tiefling M Rogue Noble (Tonsilrock)
- Sorcii Bonkikidienry, CG Aasimar F Sorcerer Guild Artisan (neobolts)
- Armiger Larouch, CG Human M Noble(neobolts)
- Sir Lucian, Half-Elf M Warlock (Rysor)
- Tawny Smalltalk, Shifter F Ranger (zellychan)
Major NPCs
- Lord Action
- Byron Runestar
- Sir Frederick of Klenn
- The Late King Gelliar of Gellian
- Queen Ilianva of Gellian
- Borgon the Restless
- Cealy Cogsmash
- Bellsie Bellewether
- Little Leaf
- Pompom Whimsytree
- Captain Timecop
- Armiger Larouch
- Archduke Octavius Chadborn, Lord of Starsign
- Kormar the Deathshaper
- Big Branch
- Lord Dinosaur
- Verital Silverbranch
- Zalenkas
Southlands map with gridlines
Southlands map without gridlines
Session Data
- Beneath the blue moon, five adventures move towards their destiny...
Campaign 1: Restoration
Arc 1: Emergence of the Pride
Session 1 - The Summit [3.13.15] | |
King Gelliar convenes a summit of nations. His hope is to foster better cooperation, a momentous task considering the differing beliefs and distrust that exists. Our of the fighting comes a plan: a group made up of delegation entourage members will undertake a mission to foster cooperation. When the summit representatives are confronted by a young monk named Hallon, Arimiger Larouch insists that the monk be added to the party as well. The five heroes set out to drive the monsters from Forthington Vineyard. They easily dispatch a group of jackals that had taken up residence in a woodcutter's house. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | King Gelliar of Gellian; Ambassador Byron Runestar; Armiger Larouch; Prime Minister Bertuccio; Kogash the III; Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx delegation member; Little Leaf, Wihsperdawn Representative; Lady Thirdius Klenn, Lord of Leiden; Sir Frederick of Klenn, Dragonrider Captain; Lord Forthington, Lord of Leiden; Charliss Belmont, High Priest of Sospitas; Princess Ilianva of Gellian; Rey Royal Counsel Colinor Seedlore, High Priest of Rael; Yorixson Bloodstone, High Cleric of Uminati |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian; Forthington Vineyards, Gellian |
Date | 13/11/24-13/12/24 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 2 - Forthington Vineyard [3.20.15] | |
After discovering a young shifter rider that had been felled by the jackals, the heroes press deeper into the grounds of the vineyard. They battle with "small birdmen" inside the cooperage, and having suffered heavy damage in the fight they fall back to the woodcutter's cabin to rest and make merry. A game of "Truth or Dare" is rudely interrupted by flying garden snakes, and the party turns in for the night. The next day they begin to fight their way into the main villa, encountering resistance from goblins inside. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Forthington Vineyard, Gellian |
Date | 13/22/24-13/23/24 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 3 - The Tattooed Orc [3.27.15] | |
The party attempts to smoke the bad guys out by stopping up their stovepipe. Instead they prevents the villains from burning evidence. The heroes head into the cellars of the Forthington Vinyard's villa to flush out the entrenched foes. Isocerus tries to make nice with the orcs and takes two javelins to the chest for his ill-conceived efforts. The rest of the party faces downs the orcs and both sides have the majority of their people KO'ed. In the end, Rheya and Hallon find themselves facing down a tattooed cleric of Rodesa. Each side believes the other to have the upper hand, and after a short augury spell, the cleric makes a break for it and escapes. The party finds evidence that someone is making tactical scouting maps of the region. They head back to Ilianvox and report in. Afterwards, they spend some time gathering rumors from the locals. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | ???, tattooed cleric of Rodesa; Krongus the Younger |
Setting | Forthington Vineyards, Gellian; Ilianvox, Gellian |
Date | 13/24/24 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 3 |
Other Info |
Session 4 - The Perversion of Pinkerton [4.3.15] | |
The party prepares to head out on a pair of missions. First to investigate the lack of trade with the marsh village of Pinkerton. And second, to act as emissaries to the nation of Whisperdawn. Before heading out, Krongus gives Hallon a name to look into in Whisperdawn: Archdruid Kormar. Also, Myrtle hears her old drinking buddy, Borgon the Restless is in town setting up a Gruffmarble Mercenary Guild branch. Eventually, the party gets underway to Pinkerton. While winding through the grain paddies built on the marsh, the party rescues a group of merchants beset by wolves and ravens. One of the merchants is overly amorous towards Hallon, and the others complain that their significant others have spurned them. The party heads into Pinkerton, and notes flowers being sold on every streetcorner under the branding of a gnome named "Two-Lips". They head to the town tavern and work their way through a couple of rounds to smooth over tension with the locals, all of whom have odd romantic fixations towards each other. Kaiden finds himself attracted to the barmaid, Rheya to the barmaid's thuggish husband, and Hallon towards Kaiden. Isocerus and Myrtle have meanwhile obtained a room at the love hotel next door to investigate, and have ordered additional drinks to the room. Rheya, becoming concerned that they are falling into a enchanter's trap, urges the party to retreat back to the merchants camped south of town. Isocerus and Myrtle find themselves in the throws of insatiable lust. Against Rheya's advice, they retire to a tent and proceed to get down to business...repeatedly. After Hallon's merchant admirer unknowingly tips off Two-Lips, the party confronts the gnome in town where he is unloading the last of his flowers before planning to flee. He is easily intimidated into telling the party that a witch north of town is behind the enchantment in the water/beer that was intended to help him sell flowers. The situation is out of hand and not what he agreed to. The party spends the night at Two-Lips farm, and prepares to assault the witch's hideout. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Krongus the Younger |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian; Pinkerton, Gellian |
Date | 13/24/24-13/27/24 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | Adapted from En5ider's The Business of Emotion. |
Session 5 - The Owlbear and the Witch [4.10.15] | |
The next morning is New Year's Eve, and Isocerus is blessed with a brief but confusing visit by Taxil the Eternal and Gurren Lagann. The party then heads to a cave occupied by Hermia the Fey Witch and her pet owlbear. The party is victorious, but afterwards knocks Hermia's cauldron into the river, permanently cursing the town's water supply. Rheya acquires a powerful and mysterious vial containing a subtance used to enhance Hermia's love potion. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Taxil the Eternal; Hermia the Fey Witch |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian; Pinkerton, Gellian |
Date | 13/28/24-1/4/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | Adapted from En5ider's The Business of Emotion. |
Session 6 - Journey to the East [4.17.15] | |
The party travels on to Klenn where the meet with Sir Frederick. From there they said on the SS Manliness to Council Grove in Whisperdawn. From a balcony overlooking the proceedings, the party witnesses a coup d'etat unfolding. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sire Frederick; Silvercrown, Frederick's dragon; Captain Manly, human male; First Mate Cealy Cogsmash, gnome female eldritch knight; Ol' Barley, elderly human male chef; Anda Dunderdeef, half-orc female; Lunklunk, minotaur male porter; Big Branch, halfling ranger; Archdruid Kormar the "Patient"; Archdruid Parvus of the Canopy (Little Leaf's teacher); Great Druid Olivedrop of Feywilder; Little Leaf |
Setting | Castle Klenn, Gellian; Council Grove, Whisperdawn |
Date | 1/4/25-1/24/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info |
Session 7 - The Pride [5.1.15] | |
As the Pride unleashes a full-scale assualt on Council Grove, the party does what they can to evacuate people. They are betrayed by Little Leaf's friend Big Branch, who escaped. The party parts ways with the SS Manliness and makes their way with refugees north to Inmahge. The city is preparing for a prolonged siege from the Pride. Mage school headmaster Filvendor Everleaf gives the party a letter to King Gelliar explaining the situation and they depart for Ilianvox. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Archdruid Kormar the Deathshaper; Little Leaf; Big Branch; Filvendor Everleaf, Elven Mage School Headmaster |
Setting | Council Grove, Whisperdawn; Inmahge, Whisperdawn |
Date | 1/24/25-1/28/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 2: The Reclaiming of Castle Shaddack
Session 8 - Bellewether [5.8.15] | |
King Gelliar reacts to the letter delivered by the party; he sends Sir Frederick and Lord Action to the border town of Cyan Gyanyto, but troops movements are hampered by a lack of cooperation from Mothergreen. Meanwhile, the party heads southeast to clear out the monster-filled Castle Shaddack. In the nearby city of Bellewether, they meet the city's protectors, the grim and inhospitable Bellsie Bellewether and the happy-go-lucky Sorcii Bonkikidienry. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | King Gelliar; Borgon the Restless, dwarven merc; Bellsie Bellewether, human wizard; Sorcii Bonkikidienry aasimar wild mage; Quartermaster Carter; Mayor MacFromm; Icabod Krafdorf, old grizzled trapper; |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian; Bellewether |
Date | 2/1/25-2/17/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 9 - Castle Shaddack: The Veteran [5.22.15] | |
The party passes through a S'lashka camp nicknamed "Early Grave". Then the party begins their assault on Castle Shaddack, moving into the barbican and clearing the east bailey. In the northeast tower, they slay one of the three bandit leaders, a slaver known only as "The Veteran". He had served in a unit that suffered great casualties at the Battle of Greenmaw, an incident Rheya feels partially responsible for. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Icabod Krafdorf, old grizzled trapper; The Veteran, Shaddack Bandit Leader |
Setting | Early Grave; Castle Shaddack |
Date | 2/18/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 1 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 10 - Castle Shaddack: Tharg Browncowl and Captain Ghrixy [5.29.15] | |
The party continues their assault on the bandit-slavers of Castle Shaddack, taking on the remaining two bandit leaders. Hallon is able to face off against the rogue Fist of Vengeance, Tharg Browncowl. Isocerus proceeeds to cut Tharg to ribbons but he retaliates with sword strikes of his own. Isocerus falls to the ground a bloody mess. An enraged Myrtle strikes down Tharg and then gives Isocerus a "kiss of life". Next the party assaults the chapel, quickly overwhelming Ghrixy and her minions with a rapid and well-coordinated assault. They collect their spoils and head back towards town to claim the reward, but are already making plans to clear the castle's dungeons of the underdark denizens whom the slavers had been doing business with. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Tharg Browncowl and Captain Ghrixy, bandit leaders |
Setting | Early Grave; Castle Shaddack |
Date | 2/19/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 2 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 11 - Castle Shaddack: Drinks and Delving [6.5.15] | |
The party resupplies in Bellewether and claims the reward for killing the bandit leaders. The party then enjoys a night of drinking in town, and finds the Bellsie Bellewether is starting to warm up to them. Late the next day, the party heads out and beings taking on the duergar-held portion of the castle. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Borgon the Restless, dwarven merc; Bellsie Bellewether, human wizard; Sorcii Bonkikidienry, aasimar wild mage |
Setting | Bellewether; Castle Shaddack |
Date | 2/20/25-2/22/15 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 12 - Castle Shaddack: Against the Duergar [6.19.15] | |
After recalling the tale of the Lord Shaddack the First, the party finished clearing the 1st floor of the castle, effectively ending the duergar presence. This included raiding the servant's kitchen, where they fought a duergar cook holding a deadman's switch linked to two cages with wild animals inside. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 2/22/25-2/23/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | Tapestries of Lord Shaddack the First:
Session 13 - Castle Shaddack: Steelhorn [6.26.15] | |
The party clears out the first basement level, first encountering and defeating cultists of a mysterious god named Kalathrex said to dwell below. Addtionally, they rid the floor of basilisks, rust monsters, and ceramic clockwork creatures. In a hiding place in the Master Smith's forge the party finds Steelhorn. This legendary sword once belonged to the first Lord Shaddack, and now it is Myrtle's to wield. They end up slaying the wereiguana, Iggy the Insane. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Iggy the Insane, wereiguana |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 2/24/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 2? |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 14 - Arrangements [7.3.15] | |
The party returns to Bellewether, where refugees are fleeing in from Cyan Gyantto where fighting between Gellian and the Pride will soon break out. Among the refugees are suicide bombers armed with Necklaces of Fireballs. The party thwarts a bomber outside the inn, but a second bomber destroys the town's armory. Also present in town are Archduke Chadborn and Armiger Larouch. They are going to assess the front lines for their respective kingdoms. Chadborn shocks the party by suggestion an arraigned marriage between Isocerus and Rheya to justify troop movements by the Chadborn house. Myrtle is especially incensed by this suggestion and goes off to get drunk, as she felt things were getting serious between her and Isocerus. The indecisive Isocerus is torn between his lust for Myrtle and his duty to his house. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Lord Octavius Chadborn, Archduke of Starsign; Armiger Larouch, Mothergreen Ambassador; Edgar Crudd, Lord Chadborn's manservant; Roger the Red, Captain of the Gellian guards accompanying the party |
Setting | Bellewether |
Date | 2/25/25-2/26/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 15 - Castle Shaddack: One Sauna, All Drama [7.10.15] | |
The party descends into the baths beneath Castle Shaddack. They do not get far, after fighting more devotees of the self-proclaimed god Kalathrex and wresting a magic sauna from a cyclops, Isocerus' wisy-washy nature crashes and burns his relationship with Myrtle, who storms out and heads back to town. The party attempts to smooth things over with mixed results. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Roger the Red, Captain of the Gellian guards accompanying the party; Glorp Two Eyes, cyclops with a monocle; Borgon the Restless, Myrtle's merc pal |
Setting | Castle Shaddack; Bellewether |
Date | 2/27/25-2/28/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 16 - Castle Shaddack: The Sea Hag Incident [7.17.15] | |
Setting aside the lovers' spat, the party clears some more of Castle Shaddack's baths. Kaiden is almost done in after being isolated and drowning from being death gazed by a sea hag. He is almost ritually disemboweled before being saved by the others in the nick of time. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/1/25-3/2/15 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 17 - Castle Shaddack: Kuo-Toa Showdown [7.22.15] | |
The party ponders why Kaiden's eye, which was stabbed out by the sea hags, will not heal. Then, as the nervous peasants living inside Shaddack's outer walls try to ward off Torrasque Day, the party descends into caves beneath the castle and exterminate a tribe of murderous Kuo-Toa. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Roger the Red, guard captain |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/2/25-3/3/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 18 - Castle Shaddack: The Parlor of Lady Aranecris [7.31.15] | |
The party headed into the undercroft of Castle Shaddack and battled past ogre zombies and a beholder zombie. Then they faced off against Lady Aranecris, an ancient necromancer with the upper body of a mummified woman and the lower body of a massive spider. She struck with a combination of direct attacks, poisonous spiders, and a breath weapon composed of of full-sized gators. The party was brutalized and demoralized by her relentless assault, but Kaiden's unassailable defenses and constant attacks from the rest of the heroes finally won the day. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Lady Aranecris |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/4/25-3/6/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 3 (level 5 reached) |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 19 - Castle Shaddack: Kalathrex [8.1.15, 8.7.15] | |
Having acquired the Sending spell, Rheya begins checking in with various contacts. From the front lines, she learns that the Pride defeated the Torrasque on Torrasque day and that allied troops appear to be badly outmatched. Archduke Chadborn will likely send reinforcements whether Rheya and Isocerus get engaged or not. Secondly, Filvendor Everleaf and Little Leaf still hold the northern Whispderdawn city of Inmahge. Lastly, Byron Runestar reports that a smuggler delivered both the vial to Hermia the Fey Witch and something mysterious to the cult leader Kalathrex. The party heads back into the lowest levels of Castle Shaddack. They encounter the tattooed orc they first fought at the vineyard and slay him; he was guarding a number of slave prisoners which joined the growing community staying at the castle. Then they struck down Kalathrex, who turned out to be a mind flayer. He was using a strange giant tongue to grant his followers spells. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/7/25-3/8/15 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 20 - The PGLF, the Circus of Fiends, and Bearlial [8.14.15] | |
After being irritated by Peoples' Goat Liberation Front activists, the party investigates Kaiden's vision of a neglected shrine of Valos and a nearly fiendish Circus. The party slays the three evil circus members, and rescues a celestial warbear named Bearlial who becomes Kaiden's bonded mount. The day takes a strange turn when the party attends an all-male review put on by Magical Mike and the Wands of Wonder. The exotic dancing is underway when a terrible symphony of flatulence overshadows the performers. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Magical Mike, exotic dancer; Roger the Red, guard captain |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/9/25-3/10/15 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 21 - The City of Ass [8.21.15] | |
A disgruntled mage, Rheea the Dire, is found to be behind the mysterious farts. She called in a favor from a self-styled Sultan, a djinn named He Who Dealt It. The party must go through a rift to a particularly smelly mote in the Elemental Plane of Air. He Who Dealt It was a "fart connoisseur" and was more misguided that malicious. The party did some sleuthing and found out the djinni was ego driven and a sucker for flattery. So, the party loaded up on beans, broccoli, and booze and formally requested an audience with the djinn. Convinced that they were fellow fart enthusiasts, the djinn eventually agreed to relocate the prime-side of the portal to Rheea's butthole. Then the party went to Poopa Hookah with He who dealt it and sampled flatulence-infused tobaccos. The proprietor, Nevertrust, lamented they had never obtained a gelatinous cube's fart. Myrtle's expert "fart curtsy" impressed the djinn so much that he gifted her a single-use crystal that she could use to summon his aid sometime in the future. Once the party was back on the prime, they got cleaned up and attended a successful performance by Magical Mike and the Wands of Wonder. After the show, Myrtle bedded a few of the dancers. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Magical Mike, exotic dancer; Roger the Red, guard captain; Rheea the Dire, Air Genasi Mage whose butthole is now a planar portal; Queyf, aarakocra general store owner; Nevertrust, shart mephit hookah lounge proprietor; The Excremental, Palace Guard; He Who Dealt It, Fart Djinn |
Setting | Castle Shaddack; City of Ass, Plane of Air |
Date | 3/10/25-3/11/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 22 - Castle Shaddack: Deathcrest [8.28.15] | |
Mad Mage Rod Stafforwand appears on the castle steps with a crew of kobolds and begins demanding tribute from the refugees. The party step in and dispatches Stafforwand as well as a kobold ratmaster. The party finds a gelatinous cube and summons He Who Dealt It so he can claim it. Then they take on the terror of the upper floors, a young black dragon named Deathcrest the Indomitable. A series of well-placed stunning strikes from Hallon allow the party to make short work of Deathcrest. The party ponders renaming the castle Deathcrest to commemorate the victory. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Rod Stafforwand, the Mad Mage; Ratmaster Backfeifengesicht, kobold ratmaster; He Who Dealt It, fart djinn; Larry the Kobold Jester, as "King Kobold"; Deathcrest the Indomitable, young black dragon |
Setting | Castle Shaddack |
Date | 3/12/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 3: The Missing Researcher
Session 23 - Airship Attack [9.4.15] | |
The party boards an airship headed from Castle Deathcrest for the captial of Gellian, Illianvox. They briefly meet Captain Timecop, a agent of Taxil pursuing Mr. Cinnamon Buns for child support. However, Captain Timecop creates a paradox and winks out of existence. The party also meets Mr. Hogan and a group of dwarven orphan burn victims in his care. Myrtle briefly adopts a young mute orphan she renames Biff. The airship is attacked by a triceratops and a fire elemental in a diversion to allow Mr. Hogan to seize control of the spelljamming helm. It is revealed that he is an oni that has killed and taken the place of the real Mr. Hogan. The party defeats the oni and prevents a catastrophic crash of the airship in Illianvox. Safely in the capital, they make plans for Kaiden's knighting ceremony and to track down a missing researcher named Pompom Whimsytree. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Roger the Red, head of operations at Castle Deathcrest; Captain Khan, airship captain; an oni disguised as Mr. Hogan; Captain Timecop, time cop; Magical Mike, exotic dance troop leader; Mr. Cinnamon Buns, exotic dancer; Brasgrar "Biff" Wyvernjaw, mute but "least cripsy" dwarf orphan burn victim; King Gelliar of Gellian |
Setting | Castle Deathcrest; Illianvox, Gellian |
Date | 3/12/25-3/14/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 1 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 24 - The Changing House [9.25.15] | |
Isocerus, Rheya, and Hallon head to the Phillipian Estate to gather up loved ones for Kaiden's upcoming knighting ceremony. The enter a bizarre home called the "Changing House" to rescue Hilda and two other teens. The hosue was said to be a "prototype" made by an "unsung wizard hero" dropped off by Sir Phillip after the Quan'thosk'alys Wars. Inside the three heroes slew a couch and a dozen flying sex snakes, all while navigating a confusing series of rooms while avoiding being eaten by a duck. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Ma and Pa Kirkwood, Kaiden's parents; Hilda, Kaiden's old flame; Todd and Joanie, promiscuous teenagers |
Setting | Phillipian Estate, Gellian |
Date | 3/15/25-3/16/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | List of rooms: sitting room, duck room, pool with chandelier, coffee shop, kitchen, pantry, cathedral, dog kennel with a slide, Arcadia's study |
Session 25 - The Warden of the Road [10.9.15] | |
The party is joined by sorceress Sorcii Bonkikidienry, an ally from Bellewether whom happens to be a colleague of Pompom Whimsytree. Kaiden, now knighted, stays behind to under formal induction into his knightly order. To work their way to the town where Pompom was last seen, the party sets out west on the Great Caravan Way towards Cantrylia. The seasoned adventurers scare themselves with ghost stories until they are literally hallucinating. Isocerus also reveals the ability to shed his tail and grow a new one from a nub. Back on the road, Myrtle is unsuccessful in romancing a stranger with an unsettling demeanor. Later, the stranger strikes out at the party and is revealed to be an oni that preys on travelers, the self-styled "Warden of the Road." After nearly losing Hallon to the oni mind games, the party dispatches the oni and moves on. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | King Gelliar of Gellian; The Warden of the Road, murderous oni |
Setting | Illianvox, Gellian |
Date | 3/17/25-4/11/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 26 - The Salty Beast [10.23.15] | |
The party discovered a ransacked caravan along the road and a group of gnolls still at work looting. The party dispatches the gnolls and heads to a nearby salt mining town. The only inn, the Salty Beast, is run by a racist, classist, irrational old woman intent of driving away most customers. She is largely indifferent to the death of her sons in the caravan attack. After discovering the she also runs the general goods store, the party simply leaves town and camps on the road before heading on to Cantrylia. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | The Salty Beast, Rey; Cantrylia, Rey |
Date | 4/11/25-4/21/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 27 - The Chadborn Estate [11.6.15] | |
Heading towards Lake Wailele, the heroes encounter reports that Pol-Suni has been sealed off due to a plague. The party arrives in Starsign at the Chadborn Estate. Isocerus is surprised to learn that his brother, Tave, is away on secret business. The party butts heads with Isocerus' unkind stepmother and Rheya later gives a rude performance in return. Next the party heads into town where they meet with Jack, a bartender friend of Isocerus. They also head to the dress shop "Never Too Many Dresses" and place some orders with the apprentice, Israel St. John. They then head downriver on a family yacht into Mothergreen. Arriving in the port city of Broham, they meet with Sir Arnim Belle, the last person to see Pompom. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Lady Geneva Chadborn, Isocerus' stepmother; Jack, bartender; Israel St. John, dress shop apprentice; Sir Arnim Belle, warrior and retired adventurer |
Setting | Starsign, Rey; Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 4/22/25-4/28/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 28 - Inquiries in Broham [11.13.15] | |
On Sir Arnim Belle's advice, the party inquires with the shopkeeper at an oddities shop named "The Belfry". They also hit a number local bars, introducing them to popular potent narcotic named Jungle Spice, pushy Mothergreen soldiers about to head for the front line, and psychotic toilet hooker families. In becomes clear that Broham is tightly in the grip of the Crow's Eye Cartel, current enemies of Pompom and controllers of the Jungle Spice market. The party is warned in a note that the shopkeeper from the Belfry has been taken by the cartel. The cartel demands a meeting on their terms. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sir Arnim Belle, warrior and retired adventurer |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 4/28/25-5/1/25 |
Quotes |
n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 29 - Pompom's Grand Entrance [11.20.15] | |
The party investigates a number of dead-end leads trying to get a step ahead of the cartel. Left with little options due to the cartel's superior manpower and intel, Rheya ends up walking into a cartel trap. They reveal their true intention was to kidnap and ransom her. Fortunately, Pompom and his ranger pal Griff burst in and decimate the cartel forces present and rescue Rheya. There is bad news, however. Isocerus has been kidnapped due to cartel ambush outside of the city. With Pompom's insight, the party begins an assault on the cartel's stronghold built into the seacliffs north of the city. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sir Arnim Belle, warrior and retired adventurer; Pompom Whimsytree, selfish and eccentric genius wizard; Griff, Pompom's ranger pal |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen; Crow's Eye Stronghold, Mothergreen |
Date | 5/1/25-5/2/25 |
Quotes |
n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 30 - The Crow's Eye Cartel [12.4.15] | |
The party splits up. Rheya springs the shopkeeper from a cell while the other party members rescue Isocerus from Ilsa, She-Wolf of the Crow's Eye. She was intending to torture Isocerus to extract information, but he is so willing to sell out his closest friends that the interrogation is effortless. Among Isocerus' blunders is stating that he "Dodged that bullet." in reference to past relationships while Myrtle was invisible and present in the room.The party slays Ilsa and escapes (with Isocerus nearly dying in the process). They return to Starsign with Pompom, and Rheya and Pompom begin a week of dangerous experiments to analyze the nature of Hermia's vial and Kalathrex's spell-granting tongue. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Pompom Whimsytree, selfish and eccentric genius wizard; Griff, Pompom's ranger pal; Ilsa, She-Wolf of the Crow's Eye |
Setting | Crow's Eye Stronghold, Mothergreen; Broham, Mothergreen; Starsign, Rey |
Date | 5/2/25-5/8/25 |
Quotes |
n/a |
QP | 9 |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 4: Chronomantic Crisis in Pol-suni
Session 31 - Colonel Steele [12.11.15] | |
While Rheya and Pompom do research, the other party members meet up with Kaiden and Captain Timecop. The very indirect Captain Timecop entrusts Myrtle with a clock-faced medallion he claimed to gave gotten from the party one month ago. The party meets with the Starsign Garrison leader, Captain Winston. He has been stymied in getting information about the reported plague in Pol-suni to the south. A special forces commander from the capital, Colonel Steele, is not responding to his inquiries to her. Using Isocerus' noble standing to exert authority, the party takes a team of five Rey solders and heads south to investigate. They also dabble with magical effects of Hallon's unpredictable fermented "best spice", Verisheen. After tense and suspicious meetings with Steele and her mage researchers, Isocerus calls out Steele as a liar. Steele insists that she is under higher orders to deceive the heroes. Sorcii quickly asserts that the party is meant to be there, particularly if the true nature of the so-called plague is chronomantic in nature. A shocked Steele says she will ask her superiors how to proceed. | |
DM | Valeria |
PCs | Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Captain Timecop, time cop; Captain Winston, guard captain in Starsign; Colonel Natalia Steele, quarantine perimeter leader outside of Pol-Suni; Anthony, human Rey guard; Autumnleaf, elven Rey guard; Timber, elven Rey guard; Dalarandy, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard |
Setting | Starsign, Rey; Steele's Camp, Rey |
Date | 5/8/25-5/11/25 |
Quotes |
n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | Horses: Rainfire (Sorcii), Windstorm (Hallon), Stardust (Isocerus), Buttacup (Myrtle) |
Session 32 - Now, One Month Ago [12.18.15] | |
The party has another evening of hijinks with Hallon's Verisheen. The next morning, Steele grants permission for the party to enter the time-frozen city of Pol-Suni. They bring Porchini and Anthony with them. A month ago, a temporal experiment (carried out by a team led by Professor Weisenheimer from the city's mage academy) went wrong. They party enters the city and finds themselves thrown back in time one month, with the people in town cut off from the outside world. The party is looking for the city's leader, Archduke Rusti Morgan. They meet up with his daughter (and old crush of Isocerus'), Clara, and began to track down the Archduke and the professor. They begin a dangerous foray into a secret underground lab, but around sunset are thrown back in time one day, forced to repeat the day's events again. | |
DM | Valeria |
PCs | Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Colonel Natalia Steele, quarantine perimeter leader outside of Pol-Suni; Anthony, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard; Earlessa Clara Morgan, daughter of Archduke Rusti Morgan; Professor Zhara, Weisenheimer's colleague |
Setting | Steele's Camp, Rey; Pol-Suni, Rey |
Date | 5/12/25, then outside of normal time |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 33 - Yesternow, Thisterday [1.8.16] | |
Looping the same day over and over, most of the party explores their baser natures. Sorcii, Myrtle and Hallon spend a day (or two) in unbridled bacchanalian revelry. Hallon also takes a day to experiment with mass use of Verisheen, resulting in widespread combustion and unintended death. Isocerus gambles without risk and perfects having instant chemistry with Clara, leading to afternoons of intimacy. Kaiden resolves to not have any fun. Finally, Sorcii and Kaiden get down to the real work of enlisting Professor Zhara at the Pol-suni Academy and hunting down Archduke Morgan's contacts. Plus the party dies to a pretrification trap, a lot. | |
DM | Valeria |
PCs | Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Anthony, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard; Earlessa Clara Morgan, daughter of Archduke Rusti Morgan; Professor Zhara, Weisenheimer's colleague; Emberflame, Pol-suni Academy head invoker; Sonya, bartender friend of the Archduke; Felicia, monster slayer/bouncer |
Setting | Pol-Suni, Rey |
Date | Outside of normal time |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 34 - Everyday is Neverday [1.15.16] | |
Still looping the same day over and over, the party gets the day down to a science. They raid Weisenheimer's secret lab and defeat the Taxil Monster that was causing the experiment to go awry. They then meet up with Captain Timecop and return the time medallion. After hanging out in Pol-Suni for a month, they return to normal time. Isocerus declares his intention to court Clara. | |
DM | Valeria |
PCs | Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Anthony, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard; Earlessa Clara Morgan, daughter of Archduke Rusti Morgan; Professor Zhara, Weisenheimer's colleague; Emberflame, Pol-suni Academy head invoker; Sonya, bartender friend of the Archduke; Felicia, monster slayer/bouncer; Shuzzle "Rainbow Grandpa" Tinklewang, frazzled gnome enchanter; Archduke Rusti Morgan; Professor Weisenheimer, Pol-suni Academy chronomancer; Captain Timecop, time cop |
Setting | Pol-Suni, Rey |
Date | Outside of normal time, 5/12/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 3 |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 5: Voyages of the Flying Sex Snake
Session 35 - Long Live the Queen [1.22.16] | |
The party returns to Gellian with knowledge from Pompom that the "parts" they've been finding are from a higher order upper planes being, perhaps a god. The passing of the the elderly King Gelliar places his teenage daughter Ilianva on the throne. News from the front lines with the Pride is grim. Cyan Gyantto has fallen, Lord Action is missing, and Sir Frederick is in something akin to a "magical coma." The Pride are using "god parts" as well. The party follows a lead on the "god part" suppliers, but the targets escape before the party breaches the suppliers' safehouse. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Queen Ilianva of Gellian; Roger the Red, Deathcrest guard captain; Borgon the Restless, Gruffmarble merc |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian |
Date | 5/19/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 36 - The Flying Sex Snake [2.5.16] | |
The party raids a safehouse in Pinkerton, and discovers Isocerus' brother, Tave Chadborn, running a middleman operation distributing the god parts. Tave however is ignorant of the true supplier, necessitating the party tracking down Tave's deliverymen. Disgusted with Tave's secret operation, Archduke Octavius Chadborn names Isocerus as his new heir, the Earl of Starsign. The Archduke also warns that Isocerus' mother might be involved somehow. Mothergreen provides an airship, on the condition that a Mothergreen native be a figurehead expedition leader. Sir Arnim Belle is agreeable to the task. The party christens the airship The Flying Sex Snake and outfits and crew with many companions from past adventures. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Tave Chadborn, Isocerus' brother; Archduke Octavius Chadborn, Isocerus' father |
Setting | Ilianvox, Gellian; Pinkerton, Gellian |
Date | 5/20/25-6/6/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | Crew Roster |
Session 37 - The Taint: Arrival [2.12.16] | |
The heroes head out tracking "god part" trafficker Yunter Boot-on-Neck, and arrive in a city of naked evil -- the jewel of the Delphinium Coalition -- The Taint. The party witnesses the city's formidable national guard, open slave trade, and debauched populace. The spend the night at the Blaggard's Respite. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | The Taint |
Date | 6/14/25-6/15/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | Undercover names: Rheya as Victoria "Tory" Soulripper; Hallon as Corran Swiftfist; Isocerus as "Bikie Wars" Damakos; Myrtle as Betsy Ross; Kaiden as Dirk Badguy |
Session 38 - The Taint: Preparing to March [2.19.16] | |
The party ends of getting separate rooms due to simmering tension and distrust among party members. The next day, the party continues to investigate the city. They purchase two runaway slave who otherwise would have been sacrificed to Sadie. The pair are returned to the ship, and freed. Next the disguised heroes acquire a Musketeer of Mellek guide and prepare to enter Sadie's Slit in pursuit of Yunter Boot-on-Neck. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Kindra "Worm" Kendrix, half-elf freed slave; Jaren "Pustule" Youngsmith, human freed slave; Johann McMozart, Musketeers of Mellek leader in the Taint; Corrine d'Artagnan, Musketeer of Mellek hired as a guide to Sadie's Slit |
Setting | The Taint |
Date | 6/15/25-6/26/25 |
Quotes | "Fangdexterous" - neobolts |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 39-40 - The Taint: Sadie's Slit [2.26.16, 3.4.16] | |
The party journeys into the pure chaos of Sadie's Slit, a long canyon north of the city criss-crossed with caves. Groups and creatures too uncivilized to live in the Taint end up here. The party encounters Quan'thosk'alys cultists trying to recreate a 1990s Earth office full of cubicles in hopes of pleasing Cthulhu with a depiction of his homeworld. They destroy a crazy golems that vaccuums poop from the butts of unlucky passers-by. They surprisingly then simply converse with Yunter Boot-on-Neck upon finding him in the lair of the troll that created the golem. Yunter reveals that his partner, Xizix, went to Gloecoast to secure passage on a ship. Upon returning to the Taint to depart, the party discovers Krongus the Younger has (on Korgash's authority) hired the Musketeers of Mellek to fight against the pride, and the mercs are mobilizing en masse. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Corrine d'Artagnan, Musketeer of Mellek hired as a guide to Sadie's Slit; Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx Representative |
Setting | Sadie's Slit; The Taint |
Date | 6/27/25-6/28/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | ? |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 41-42 - The Red Hand Pirates [3.25.16, 4.1.16] | |
At sea, the party comes across a House Tealgoblet ship under attacks from three pirate ships. The pirates are remnants of the Red Hand Navy from the War of the Shards five years prior. The party defeats the pirates and their leader, a dragon named Mianth. They also recruit an ettin named Bernie (Bert + Ernie). | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Captain Quofire Peppermill, Jahoel of Tealgoblet merchant; Bernie the Ettin; Mianth, Red Hand Pirate Leader |
Setting | The Ringed Sea |
Date | 7/1/25-7/14/25 |
Quotes |
QP | ? |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 43 - Two Scoops [4.8.16] | |
The party arrives in Gloecoast, where the three dwarven nations are holding a great dwarf moot. The party stops by the bar Dwarves on a Wharf where Myrtle worked. Her boss had been forced to fire her after she bounced an unruly royal advisor named Drek McShrekington. The party is intrigued by her mysterious bar nickname, "Two Scoops." They track the githyanki knight Xizix to the port, where he appears to have booked passage on one of a number of pearl ships owned by another royal advisor, Graz Seaforge. The location of the pearl beds is closely guarded, so while some party members forge relationships with local pearl jewelry sellers, Myrtle looks into her heritage and claims the right of kertilsveinr, a torchbearer in the King of Perelix's personal regiment. To do so, she challenges and defeats the guard captain, Jaegen Sunglaive, who is quite taken with her. After the dwarves only feast, Myrtle takes the other pary members as guests to the Queen's royal ball. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Renda Wolfsbane of Thozan, Queen of the Hillholds; Rathax Ogreslayer of Perelix, King of the Mountain Halls; Honorix of Barsiege, Priest-King of the Summit Keeps; Rensis Hammerdown, proprietor of Dwarves on a Wharf; Drek McShrkington, handsy royal advisor; Guildmaster Gruffmarble; Ellswynn Thundersunder, pearl broker; Maester Oldweather, Thozan Keeper of Records; Jaegan Sunglaive, head of King Ogreslayer's personal guard |
Setting | Gloecoast, Thozan, Dwarven Alliance |
Date | 7/15/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | ? |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 44 - The Dwarven Ball [4.15.16] | |
Inside the ball, the party springs into action. First Rheya takes a tour of the royal grounds and scopes out the location of Graz's residence. Then, while Myrtle distracts Jaegen with some frisky fun, Hallon and Isocerus break into Graz's house and steal the destination coordinates of the pearl ship with Xizix on it. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Renda Wolfsbane of Thozan, Queen of the Hillholds; Rathax Ogreslayer of Perelix, King of the Mountain Halls; Honorix of Barsiege, Priest-King of the Summit Keeps; Drek McShrkington, handsy royal advisor; Graz Seaforge; royal advisor and pearl merchant; Maester Oldweather, Thozan Keeper of Records; Jaegan Sunglaive, head of King Ogreslayer's personal guard |
Setting | Gloecoast, Thozan, Dwarven Alliance |
Date | 7/16/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | ? |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 45 - Bloodpearl Island [4.29.16] | |
The party discovers at the coordinates Bloodpearl Island, as raising and lowering island with a keep where merfolk slaves harvest pearls for sahuagin Pride members who then trade them with Graz for dwarven weapons. While battling sahuagin on the island, a mysterious telepathic voice tries unsuccessfully to convince Kaiden and Hallon to betray the party. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Xizix, githyanki god part seller |
Setting | Bloodpearl Island, the Great Ocean |
Date | 8/20/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 46 - Maka-la [5.13.16] | |
The party defeats the Pride leadership at Bloodpearl Island: the githyanki Xizix, the sahuagin dhampir Baron Everteeth, and the aboleth known as the Master who was behind the telepathic voice. Following Kaiden's prophetic eye, the party discovers, Maka-la, a secret avariel utopia of small floating islands built in a supernatural void in the ocean. There the Priest of Valos, Haldreithen Aetherwalk, reveals that Kaiden is the new champion of Valos. He also reveals that under similar circumstances during the Year of the Comet, Queen Forlestia of Ergasia and Boozer the Warpony sealed the power of the dead god Zalenkas behind crystal gates using the Elven Crown of Ascension. The party, having gained access to teleport circle magic, returns to the Southlands ahead of their ship. In conversation, Kaiden jokes about seducing the xenophobic elven queen, leading to Rheya becoming quite flustered and the party correctly deducing that she is the queen's love child by Lord Action. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Xizix, githyanki god part seller; Baron Everteeth, sahuagin dhampir Pride cultist; The Master, aboleth lord of Bloodpearl Island; Haldreithen Aetherwalk, Maka-la avariel priest of Valos |
Setting | Bloodpearl Island, the Great Ocean; Maka-la, the Great Ocean |
Date | 8/20/25-8/21/25 |
Quotes |
QP | 5 |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 6: The Verdandi Isles
Session 47 - Verdandi Isles: Diggle's Point [5.27.16] | |
Pompom informs the party that some god parts are resonating with something on a remote island chain to the south of the Southlands. The party takes an airship there, and discovers the island has been filling with refugees from the Southlands fleeing the war. In Diggle's Point, they relax at a very accommodating brothel, Merilee's House of Rest, while getting a better understanding of the islands and their inhabitants. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Pompom Whimsytree, eccentric genius gnomish wizard |
Setting | Pompom's Lab, Castle Deathcrest, Gellian, Southlands; Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/22/25-8/24/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 48 - Verdandi Isles: Abandoned Mine [6.3.16] | |
The party heads to Digg's abandoned mine to investigate. On the way they find mysterous tunnels in the ground of a nearby farm where livestock have been going missing. The tunnel leads them into the mine, where they do battle with earth elementals and undead. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (guest run by Aksani) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/24/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 49 - Verdandi Isles: The Plight of Lu'un [7.22.16] | |
The party continued to clear out the tunnels, encountering a visage of the quasi-god Lu'un, the guardian spirit of the Verdandi Isles. But the spirit seems corrupted somehow by an evil influence and the party is wary. They meet with a preistess of Lu'un and see in a vision, parts of Lu'un scattered across the isles. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | O'sha Tallowmere, Lu'un preistess |
Setting | Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/24/25-8/25/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 50 - Verdandi Isles: Pirate Island [8.11.16] | |
The party strikes out at pirate island, and on the way they meet Morluun, a "fin", one of a multitude of colorful fishmen creatures that inhabit the area and have been coerced into helping gather Lu'un parts. The party shows up, disrupting the pirates and Pride members operating the island. With the help of an animated stronghold gate and a horn's worth of vikings, the party recovered another Lu'un part from a pirate leader. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Morluun, helpful fin |
Setting | Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/26/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 51-52 - Verdandi Isles: Eastern Island Assault [9.2.16, 9.9.16] | |
The party takes control of a ship and sets sail for the remaining two islands where parts of Lu'un are present. They fight an ichor corrupted shark in open waters. They discover that remnants of ichor are present in the area, and that the fins eat ichor as sustenance. With the help of the fins, the party assaults an island and takes back another Lu'un part. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/27/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 53 - Verdandi Isles: Lu'un Redeemed [9.23.16] | |
The party heads back to Diggle's Point to rest and plan the attack on the final island, where the largest concentration of Lu'un parts is located. The party attacks via an underwater tunnel, and after a long battle the final parts of Lu'un are recoverd, restoring peace to the Verdandi Isles. The party heads back to Castle Deathcrest, where Pompom and Hallon have been refining Verisheen. The parts of Lu'un will give Pompom and comparative sample to further his god part research. | |
DM | Cerberus7 |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sorcii Bonkikidienry (neobolts), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Verdandi Isles, Great Sea |
Date | 8/27/25-9/1/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | (The party obtained level 10.) |
Other Info | n/a |
Arc 7: Showdown with the Pride
Session 54 - The Crown of Ascension [10.7.16] | |
The party reunites with the crew of the Flying Sex Snake and learns there is a spy on board. They sneak into the palace of the high elves in Effress, in a bid to meet secretly with Queen Forlestia, Rheya's estranged mother. What they find is that Forlestia died in a tragic fall a year ago, and the Crown of Ascension did not accept her sister Bascieliya as the new queen. So for the past year, Forlestia's death has been kept secret. Also, during that time, the glass doors that seal the Tomb of Zalenkas have failed, but without a rightful crown-bearer, the location of the tomb is lost. The tomb's architect, Boozer the Nightmare Lord is missing as well. The Crown of Ascension will accept Rheya, and the party heads to the tomb, located in the underdark beneath Castle Deathcrest. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Llandoweer Strongpine, leader of Oakhope; Father Goldenpoplar, head priest of Aurora in Efress; Princess Bascieliya, Rheya's aunt; Kolgannin Flamarrow, head of the Ergasian Queensguard; Aerlya, priestess of Oshejra and advisor to Princess Bascieliya |
Setting | Castle Deathcrest, Gellian; Oakhope, Runestar League; Effress, Ergasia |
Date | 9/2/25-9/3/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 55 - The Tomb of Zalenkas [10.14.16] | |
Rheya leaves the status quo untouched in Ergasia, even thought she is the rightful queen. The party rejoins Flying Sex Snake and uses Zone of Truth to out Cealy Cogsmith as a triple agent for Zindar, the Runestar Foundation, and the Pride. The revelation of the Runestar Foundation's existance causes Kaiden to mistrust Rheya. Upon questioning Zindar supporter Rarn Starbite, the party learns Zindar's order has their own mysterious agenda in opposing the Pride. The party then takes on the puzzles of the Tomb of Zalenkas, meets a watchful deva named the Guardian, and rescues Boozer from where he was trapped in the sarcophagus room. They face down and defeat the spirit of Skullord, the last champion of Zalenkas. Boozer teaches Rheya the spell Godspark Eulogy before departing to investigate why the glass doors failed in the first place. Now the party needs the name of the god whose parts the Pride has and they can neutralize them. The leaders of various anti-Pride forces begin to gather at Castle Deathcrest for a counter-offensive against the Pride. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Queen Ilianva of Gellian; Skullord, the last champion of Zalenkas; Boozer, the Nightmare Lord |
Setting | Castle Deathcrest, Gellian |
Date | 9/3/25-9/6/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | (The party obtained level 11.) |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 56 - War of the Pride: Counter-Offensive [10.19.16] | |
Having the means to shut down the god parts, the party gathers the forces of various nations at a summit at Castle Deathcrest to combat the Pride. Zindar reveals that the god parts belonged to the Ageless One. The party defeats the Pride forces at Bellewether and Pale Gyantto, including the High Priestess and Champion of the Golden Lioness. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Korgash the Third, Warchief of Crosiarx; Johann McMozart, Musketeers of Mellek Taint Branch Leader; Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx Ambassador and Warband Leader; Queen Ilianva of Gellian; Roger the Red, Guard Captain of Castle Shaddack; Sir Arnim Belle; Knight of Mothergreen; Armiger Larouch; Queen's Hand of Mothergreen; Rathax Ogreslayer of Perelix, King of the Mountain Halls; Jaegan Sunglaive, Head of the Perelix Royal Guard; Lord Octavius Chadborn, Archduke of Starsign; Lady Clara Morgan, Earlessa of Pol-suni; Colonel Natalia Steele, Rey Special Forces Commander; Byron Runestar, Runestar League Ambassador; Llandoweer Strongpine, Leader of Oakhope; Mister Zindar, Champion of Karactas; Velvetrix, Right Hand of Zindar and Isocerus' Mother; Little Leaf, Resistance Operative; Filvendor Everleaf, Leader of Inmahge; Corporal Booklearnin', SQUADRON Brigade Tactician; Thund Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Grinnd Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Borgon the Restless, follower of Myrtle; MAyor McFromm of Bellewether; Nurple Kettlepipe, Pride Vanguard General; Brother Stone, Golden Lioness Archbishop of Ryhan; Bitterroot, High Priestess of the Golden Lioness; Crowe the Chosen, Champion of the Golden Lioness |
Setting | Castle Deathcrest, Gellian; Bellewether; Pale Gyantto, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/7/25-9/9/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Session 57 - War of the Pride: Final Showdown [10.23.16] | |
The party takes on the remaning Pride leadership at a keep on the eastern edge of the Phillipian Estate, including Kormar the Deathshaper, Big Branch, and Lord Dinosaur. During the fight Roger the Red is killed. Disabling the last god part bring Lord Action and Sir Frederick out of their magical comas. The Pride is shattered and peace is restored to the land. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Hallon Galonodel (Cerberus7), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx Ambassador and Warband Leader; Roger the Red, Guard Captain of Castle Shaddack; Thund Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Grinnd Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Borgon the Restless, follower of Myrtle; Kormar the Deathshaper; Lord Dinosaur; Big Branch |
Setting | Phillipian Estate, Gellian |
Date | 9/10/25 |
Quotes | n/a |
QP | 0 |
Other Info | n/a |
Campaign 2: Restoration Further
Arc 1: The Marriage of Isocerus
Session Zero - To Start Again | |
The Heroes of the Silver Prophecy gather one year later for the marriage of Isocerus Chadborn and Clara Morgan. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Chadborn Estate, Starsign, Rey |
Date | 9/10/26 |
Session 1 - For a White Wedding | |
The marriage of Isocerus Chadborn and Clara Morgan is disrupted by attackers from the Crow's Eye Cartel. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Earlessa Clara Morgan of Pol-Suni; Pontiff Katrina, High Priestess of Taxil & Officiant; Captain Winston, guard captain in Starsign; Colonel Natalia Steele, quarantine perimeter leader outside of Pol-Suni (Ftr 5); Anthony, human Rey guard; Autumnleaf, elven Rey guard; Timber, elven Rey guard; Dalarandy, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard; Thund Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Grinnd Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Borgon the Restless, follower of Myrtle; Archduke Chadborn of Starsign; Archduke Rusti Morgan of Pol-Suni
Setting | Chadborn Estate, Starsign, Rey |
Date | 9/10/26 |
Session 2 - Return to Broham | |
The Party returns to Broham to take down the Crow's Eye Cartel. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sir Arnim Belle, warrior and retired adventurer |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/17/26 |
Session 3 - Cartel Schism Uncovered: The Scarlet Corvus | |
The party discovers a schism between the Crow's Eye Cartel and the Scarlet Corvus. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/18/26 |
Sessions 4-6 - Manor Raid, Rumble, and Resolution | |
The party raid a manor owned by the Crow's Eye Cartel leader, the Jackdaw, but he is elsewhere. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/19/26 |
Session 7 - Arson and Murder at the Belle Estate | |
The Crow's Eye Cartel retaliates with an attack on Sir Arnim Belle's Estate where the party is staying. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sir Arnim Belle, warrior and retired adventurer |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/20/26 |
Session 8 - Across the Table from Ilsa and Idris | |
The party meets with the Scarlet Corvus leaders, Ilsa and Idris. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Ilsa, Scarlet Corvus co-leader; Idris, Scarlet Corvus co-leader |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/20/26 |
Sessions 9-11 - Into the Sea Caves for Puzzles, Peril in the Water, and a Dragon Turtle Showdown | |
The party takes down the Crow's Eye Cartel's secret base north of Broham. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Ilsa, Scarlet Corvus co-leader; Idris, Scarlet Corvus co-leader |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen; Crow's Eye Stronghold, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/21/26 |
Arc 2: Heart of Darkness
Session 12 - Preparations for a Jungle Expedition | |
Plans are made for an expedition upriver to the Jackdaw's jungle spice growing operation. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Broham, Mothergreen |
Date | 9/24/26 |
Session 13 - Aboard the Riverboat | |
Treacherous conditions navigating the river put the expedition in jeopardy. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Graul Jungle, Mothergreen |
Date | 10/1/26 |
Session 14 - Dinosaur Hunt | |
The party puts ashore to hunt dinosaurs. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Graul Jungle, Mothergreen |
Date | 10/2/26 |
Session 15 - Hallon's Plan | |
Not far from the Jackdaw Plantation, the party meets with old friend Hallon Galonodel who is seeking to free tabaxi slaves on the plantation forged to work the jungle spice fields. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Hallon Galonodel, Lord Protector of the Graul Jungle |
Setting | Graul Jungle, Mothergreen |
Date | 10/3/26 |
Session 16 - Beholder Maze | |
The party lays siege to the Jackdaw Plantation with the aid of Hallon Galonodel and tabaxi freedom fighters. They find themselves trapped in an extradimentional maze where they must defeat a beholder to escape. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Hallon Galonodel, Lord Protector of the Graul Jungle |
Setting | Jackdaw Plantation, Graul Jungle, Mothergreen |
Date | 10/4/26 |
Session 17 - The Jackdaw | |
The party defeats the Jackdaw. It is revealed that Isocerus' mother, Velvetrix, has pulled strings behind the scenes to lead to this moment, hoping that Isocerus will accept control of the cartel as her wedding gift to him. | |
DM | Aksani |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Armiger Larouch (neobolts), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Hallon Galonodel, Lord Protector of the Graul Jungle; The Jackdaw, Crimeboss of the Crow's Eye Cartel |
Setting | Jackdaw Plantation, Graul Jungle, Mothergreen |
Date | 10/4/26 |
Arc 3: The Ruined City
Session 18 - Gemini Wrestling | |
The party visits Castle Deathcrest, where Sorcii has been running things. The townsfolk have a made a number improvements in the growing town around the town: Kertilsveinr Myrtle Firebeard Home for Wayward Orphans, the Lady Rheya Action Charitable Burn Ward, the Order of the Knight of the Silver Prophecy where aspiring squires train, and the Earl Isocerus Chadborn Wolf Farm. They come to the aid of the Gemini Wrestlers in a southern Rey town where people are disappearing, possibly at the hands of the nearby Rendvar Tribe. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Sorcii Bonkikidienry; Roger the Red
Setting | Golden Garden, Rey |
Date | 10/11/26 |
Notes | Kertilsveinr: a torchbearer in the King of Perelix's personal regiment |
Session 19 - Banshees Beneath the Dome | |
The party struggles against a group of coordinated banshees. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | The "bubble area" beneath the Ruins of Tapp, Rey |
Date | 10/12/26 |
Session 20 - The Temple Beneath the Temple | |
The party discovers a lair used by vampire members of the Cult of Zalenkas. A holy relic from the Quan'thosk'alys War is recovered and sent to the Runestar Foundation. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | The "bubble area" beneath the Ruins of Tapp, Rey; Golden Garden, Rey |
Date | 10/13/26 |
Session 21 - The Rendvar Tribe | |
The party discovers the Rendvar Tribe was also suffering from the abductions, and that the vampires were the real culprits. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | n/a |
Setting | Golden Garden, Rey; Rendvar Tribe, Rey |
Date | 10/14/26 |
Session 22 - The Assassination of Rheya | |
The party parties hard in Lucian's mansion but elven assassins kill Rheya and escape with her body to Ergasia. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Verital Silverbranch, High Templar of the Order of the Unseen |
Setting | Golden Garden, Rey; Lucian's Manor, Patheos |
Date | 10/15/26-10/16/26 |
Arc 4: The Elven Throne and Return of the Comet
Session 23 - The Resurrection of Rheya [11.19.21] | |
Lucian meets with Bertuccio at a fancy gala where dwarven minstrils perform the Ballad of Two Scoops*. Lucian is told word of his efforts in checking mister Zindar have reached avaryn's ear. Lucian is known, his name crossed the lips of Lord Aretas in the presence of Karactas. Lucian is given full discretion in representing the affairs of patheos abroad. Myrtle and company are investigating the disappearance of the Nightmare Lord, following leads for Cult of Zalenkas around Boffield. Kaiden is training with other Knights of Gellian who are guests at Castle Deathcrest when he has a Silver vision where he is bleeding from his prophetic eye. He draws in blood a Pentagram with six names in infernal, and an incantation related to Zalenkas the Everdying, the First Mummy Lord, a clue to taking down the Cult of Zalenkas. The recovered body of Rheya is resurrected in an elven home among friends. Charliss Belmont delivers the powerful Stole of Byron D'Artan to Rheya. Archibald enters and announces General Isocerus Chadborn, Earl of Starsign, in command of 5000 troops. Lord Action arrives as well, embracing his daughter. Rheya takes to a balcony to wear the Crown of Ascension in front of throngs of adoring Crownsworn elves. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock) |
Major NPCs | Bertuccio, Vizier of Pathoes; Thund Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Grinnd Wyvernjaw, follower of Myrtle; Borgon the Restless, follower of Myrtle; Jaegan Sunglaive, head of King Ogreslayer's personal guard and Myrtle's lover; Roger the Red, guard captain at Castle Deathcrest; Sir Frederick of Klenn, Silver Dragonrider; Charliss Belmont, High Cleric of Sospitas; Llandoweer Strongpine, Leader of Oakhope; Anthony, human Rey guard; Autumnleaf, elven Rey guard; Timber, elven Rey guard; Dalarandy, human Rey guard; Porchini, Goliath Rey guard; Colonel Natalia Steele, Rey officer; Archibald, Isocerus' butler; Lord Action, Rey Officer; Hynelweir Soulsigil, Royal Armorymaster (maintains the Crown of Ascension); Aana Mossgrove, Elder of Shiningbow |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia |
Date | 2/16/27 |
Notes | *Do you know the ballad of two scoops, The saucy barmaid from Gloecoast; who stirs the passions of lords and captains, a Dwarven beauty, so raise a toast. Or do you know the peerless fighter who stood against the pride, you see! Castle deathcrest's sparer, the king's torchbearer, hero of silver prophesy; They are one and the same! the warrior-woman of fame! None can out-mettle, in bed or battle, Myrtle, most worthy of Firebeard name! |
Session 24 - Shiningbow [12.3.21] | |
The party tours Shiningbow and meets with Crosiarx ambassador Krongus the Younger. Then they rush to intercept a supply caravan stolen by Highblood Ergasians. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock), Tawny Smalltalk (zellychan) |
Major NPCs | Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx Ambassador; Hynelweir Soulsigil, Royal Armorymaster; Aana Mossgrove, Elder of Shiningbow |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia |
Date | 2/17/27 |
Session 25 - Supply Caravan & Watchtower [12.17.21] | |
The party stops an escaping stolen supply caravan and retakes a watchtower, taking down a prominent Templar of the Unseen in the process. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), , Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock), Tawny Smalltalk (zellychan) |
Major NPCs | Jedge Orcreaver, Champion Knight Templar of the Unseen; Aana Mossgrove, Elder of Shiningbow |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia |
Date | 2/17/27 |
Session 26 - Sergeant Timecop [12.31.21] | |
The orcs of Crosiarx advance into far eastern Ergasia, establishing a foothold on the Caravan Way. The party has a tense meeting with the Highblood leadership. The Comet of Zalenkas reforms in the sky over the Southlands, just as Verital Silverbranch attacks Rheya. At that moment, Captain Timecop shows up, freezes time, and takes the party on a misadventure resulting in Isocerus' name being Sergeant Timecop on his birth certificate. | |
DM | neobolts, Valeria |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock), Tawny Smalltalk (zellychan), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Mr. Zindar (neobolts) |
Major NPCs | Krongus the Younger, Crosiarx Ambassador; Hynelweir Soulsigil, Royal Armorymaster; Aana Mossgrove, Elder of Shiningbow; Verital Silverbranch, High Templar of the Order of the Unseen; Bascieliya, Rheya's Aunt; Captain Timecop, irresponsible time cop |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia; Chadborn Estate, Starsign, Rey; Castle Deathcrest |
Date | 2/24/27; 12/31/05? |
Session 27 - Twin Reckonings [2.11.22] | |
The party fights Verital Silverbranch to the death, taking Bascieliya captive. The party teleports to the Halls of Graffnoffing, where the reformed comet has created a localized eclipse and pulled the Temple of Zalenkas from the Shadowfell onto the material plane. As undead forces pour forth from the temple, the party dons silver ribbons and prepares the forces of Graffnoffing for a decisive battle. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock), Tawny Smalltalk (zellychan), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani) |
Major NPCs | Verital Silverbranch, High Templar of the Order of the Unseen; Bascieliya, Rheya's Aunt; Jaegan Sunglaive, head of King Ogreslayer's personal guard; Rathax Ogreslayer, King of Perelix; Brasgrar "Biff" Wyvernjaw, formerly mute dwarf orphen |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia; The Halls of Graffnoffing |
Date | 2/24/27 |
Session 28 - The Battle of Graffnoffing [2.25.22] | |
As the dwarves of Graffnoffing and their allies meet the undead invaders, the Heroes of the Silver Prophecy board the Flying Sex Snake and lead an assault on the temple's inner sanctum to prevent the rebirth of Zalenkas. Inside, they rescue Boozer the Nightmare Lord who was being sapped of power to fuel Zalenkas' return. The party faces a partially reborn Zalenkas and his champion Barâqîjâl the Astrologer -- the first Shadow Dragon who is leader of the ashem and archetect of Zalenkas' return. Zalenkas is deafeated, Barâqîjâl is banished, and Sir Lucian uses the Dagger of Aretas to become immortal. The party then must act quickly as the comet of Zalenkas begins to plunge towards land. Rheya, Lucian, and Boozer work together to recreate the efforts by Boozer and Rheya's mother centuries ago that ended that sealed Zalenkas in his tomb. But to seal the comet, Boozer makes a sacrifice play and ultimately becomes an ordinary warpony again. In the epilogue, Myrtle creates a global orphanage initiative, Kaiden does right by Hilda, Clara reveals she is pregnant to Isocerus, Rheya forges a truce with her aunt, and Tawny has a vision of Azure Gyantto. Two years later, we find Biff, Boozer, and a fishfolk named Quqaya opening a Gruffmarble Merc Guild location in the coastal town of Elventide, where the sealed comet rests out in the sea...a beacon for adventures yet to come. | |
DM | neobolts |
PCs | Rheya Action (Valeria), Sir Lucian (Rysor), Isocerus Chadborn (Tonsilrock), Tawny Smalltalk (zellychan), Myrtle Firebeard (Shyninja), Kaiden Kirkwood (Aksani) |
Major NPCs | Verital Silverbranch, High Templar of the Order of the Unseen; Bascieliya, Rheya's Aunt; Jaegan Sunglaive, head of King Ogreslayer's personal guard; Rathax Ogreslayer, King of Perelix; Brasgrar "Biff" Wyvernjaw, formerly mute dwarf orphen; Zalenkas the Everdying, former God of Undeath; Barâqîjâl the Astrologer, Champion of Zalenkas |
Setting | Shiningbow, Crownsworn Ergasia; The Halls of Graffnoffing |
Date | 2/24/27-2/25/27, 2/25/29 |
Other Information
House Rules
QP System
Level | QP Needed |
2-3 | 3 |
4 | 6 |
5-20 | 9 |
- Traditional XP is replaced with QP (quest points) awarded for completing story tasks and defeated key villains.
- Minor quests are worth 1 QP.
- Standard quests are worth 2-3 QP.
- Major campaign points may be worth additional QP.
Other House Rules
- Checks to maintain a concentration spell are only triggered when the caster takes 10 or more damage from a single attack. This value may scale at higher levels.
- The Renown system (DMG p22) is in use. Each PC should have a faction they are gaining rank with.
- Point buy or standard array are the assumed stat generation methods.
- Players may choose to take average (round down) on HP recovered via hit dice during short rest.
Renown Factions
Faction | History/Details | Beliefs | Goals |
Runestar Foundation | Following the Quan'thosk'alys Wars, many powerful and dangerous artifacts on the Twin Worlds are unaccounted for. Byron Runestar created the secret foundation to track down and safely store these artifacts. |
To take possession of powerful artifacts for safekeeping. |
Fists of Vengeance | The Fists of Vengeance are a group of rogue ex-monks that got sick and tired of ignoring the problems the peasants faced from greedy dishonest nobles. After witnessing a massacre of helpless innocents, the order was formed by a dark haired monk named Raven Silverhawk. She asked her monastic order to respond to the attack and avenge and protect the peasants, but the order replied that the nobles had the law on their side. Frustrated she left the order and took the matter of justice into her own hands, and the Fists of Vengeance was born. |
To stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and strike a blow to injustice. |
High Temple of Valos | Dedicated to Valos, Valkyrie Goddess of Valor. One of the oldest and most respected faiths on the Twin Worlds. Their paladins and knights serve in honorable kingdoms, seeking to give the wicked no quarter. |
Oppose evil creature and dark gods, particularly Vina, Goddess of Terror and Dischord. |
Gruffmarble Mercenary Guild | A rising power in the mercenary business. Led by Cadman Gruffmarble from its HQ in Gloecoast. |
To grow the reputation of Gruffmarble as a competent and reliable mercenary guild. |
House Tealgoblet Information Network | Run by the halfling Jahoel House Tealgoblet, the Grey Gatherers trade in information. Often members are working towards a personal goal, and are in turn helping others as well. |
To create a secret network of information brokers and safe houses. |
Faction Ranks
Renown | Runestar Foundation (Rheya) |
Fists of Vengeance (Hallon) |
High Temple of Valos (Kaiden) |
Gruffmarble Mercenary Guild (Myrtle) |
House Tealgoblet Information Network (Isocerus) |
1 | Recruit | Student of the Way | Initiate | Sellsword | Green Informant |
3 | Agent | Practioner of the Avenging Fist | Disciple | Journeyman Mercenary | Red Whisperer |
10 | Lead Agent | Master of the Protecting Palm | Holy Knight | Mercenary Squad Captain | Violet Secretkeeper |
25 | Operations Commander | Grandmaster Who Opposes Oppression | Knight-Commander | Mercenary Commander | Grey Gatherer |
50 | Foundation Leader | True Master of Liberating Strikes | Exalted Highknight | Mercenary High Commander | Black Broker |
- Rheya Action - Aurora, Goddess of the Arts and of Charm
- Hallon Galonodel - Diostarma, God of Freedom
- Myrtle Firebeard - Dyce, Goddess of Luck
- Kaiden Kirkwood - Valos, Goddess of Valor
- Isocerus Chadborn - Taxil the Eternal, God of Time